Oven Roasted Apple Sauce

Oven Roasted Apple Sauce

The really amazing thing about this applesauce recipe, that comes from Zuni Cafe here in San Francisco, is that after peeling and coring the apples you just roast them. In their own juices. And that's it! It's so easy - no stovetop watching or food mills. Just an oven proof pan, a bit of butter, and a little time. And the smells this brought to my kitchen was an added bonus!

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Slow Roasted Tomatoes

Slow Roasted Tomatoes

One other way I appreciate this late summer bounty is by always having a jar of olive oil slow roasted tomatoes in my fridge.  I throw these in the oven, sometimes nearly forget about then, and then pluck their shriveled selves off the cookie sheet and into my mouth. These tomatoes have a sweeter and more concentrated flavor than their raw counterparts and keep for up to a week and a half in the fridge.

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