Recipe: Carrot + Cilantro Soup

This weekend is supposed to be beautiful. One of those perfect Bay Area spring weekends where the blossoms are blooming, the beaches are fog-less and we are all itching to get outside. Compound that with the fact that we’ve been homebound and social distancing for 4 weeks and we have a city full of stir crazy people ready to enjoy some public spaces.

But, now is not the time to get lax! I was on the phone with some folks who have been in touch with the Mayor’s office, the Department of Public Health and the Rec and Park Department. If San Franciscan’s get too excited about this weekend’s bluebird days and flood our parks and open spaces, it may cause the city to shut them down. And this behavior could have horrible health effects considering we’ve been social distancing well so ar.

So, have a glass of lemon water on your back stoop, or hang out a window with your sunglasses on, or pull dandelions out from between the stones of your back patio. But stay home! And if you do head out for a short walk, please wear a mask.

One thing that may make staying at home more delightful is cooking something that feels like spring. And that uses basic ingredients you may already have around your house! Here’s a spring recipe I wrote about a few years back that I may have to revisit this weekend while I look out my window in anticipation of healthier days to come.