Roasted Garnet Yams with Chamomile


I love vegetable recipes that are dead simple but take ordinary foods and make them taste more interesting and more flavorful than usual. Over the break, as we headed out of town for our annual coastal New Years getaway, we were in charge of cooking for 7 kids under 6, with picky palates and the limited pantry of a rental house. We made our favorite sweet potatoes, really a favorite of our two year old, but delicious enough grown ups take notice. 

We make these nearly once a week at home, often throwing them in the oven while we eat dinner and catch up on the day, remembering to pull them out when our house is perfumed with the smell. They are a great side dish, toddler snack, potluck entry or lunch leftover.

Roasted Garnet Yams with Chamomile

3 evenly sized garnet yams
1 bag of chamomile tea
2 tsp. honey
olive oil
butter (optional but excellent)

Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Wash and dry yams than place in pyrex dish or small roasting pan. Add water to depth of 1/4". Drizzle honey, salt and olive oil over the top, drop in tea bag, then cover lightly with foil.

Roast for about 1 hour or until yams are soft and tender. Discard tea bag and enjoy! For a little bit extra, add a pat of butter to the warm yam before eating.