Tea and Winter Pruning

Tea and Winter Pruning

This morning was sunny, a momentary break between showers. I kicked off my slippers, put on my boots, and went outside to have a look. Sipping my tea, I walked through the soggy garden, waiting for a little prompting to tell me where to work today. My eye was caught by a section of the garden where last year’s growth had caused some shrubs and perennials to grow into and through each other, leading to a visual mess. They were beautiful plants, just right for a sunny dry border with a sturdy succession of bloom.

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New Year's Resolutions

New Year's Resolutions

On my honor, I will try to do my part to rebuild the living soil, recharge the aquifers, protect the life cycles of endangered plants and animals, and respect all life, from the mycorrhizal fungus to the red-shouldered hawk, (excepting only rats, gophers, and oxalis.)

Now there’s a resolution.

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